9 Votes

HitcherintheDark Hitcher in the Dark

Year: 1989

Duration: 01:34:52

Directed by: Umberto Lenzi

Actors: Joe Balogh, Josie Bissett and Jason Saucier

Language: English

Country: Italy | USA

Also known as: Paura nel buio, Return of the Hitcher

Description: Misogynistic psycho wackjob Mark (a creepily manic and intense performance by Joe Balogh) wears mirror shades, suffers from a severe mommy complex, drives a fancy expensive Winnebago, and has a nasty penchant for picking up stray foxy young female hitchhikers whom he likes to rape, debase and brutally murder. Mark chooses the feisty Daniela (gorgeous blonde hottie Josie Bissett, who went on to slightly more respectable work as a regular on the trashy nighttime soap opera “Melrose Place”) as his next victim and abducts her. Daniela’s obsessive boyfriend Kevin (woodenly played by Jason Saucier) gives chase.

Directed by spaghetti splatter specialist Umberto (“Nightmare City”) Lenzi (Play Motel and Eyeball), this movie has some things going for it. It features some really beautiful scenery of the American South. It features some really beautiful scenery of a young, lovely Josie Bisset, as well as totally gratuitous nudity (as well as Bissett in the buff, we get to see various other victims and Lenzi even manages to work in a beachside wet t-shirt contest for no reason whatsoever!). 



Hitcher in the Dark 1989