Bad-Karma Bad Karma

Year: 2002

Duration: 01:32:26

Directed by: John Hough

Actors: Patsy Kensit, Patrick Muldoon, Amy Locane

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Un mal karma, Karma Assassino, Mal karma, Agries kravges, Bad karma, Fatum, Zla karma, Hell’s Gate

Description: History has preserved for us the details of the brutal murder more than a century ago made in foggy London, the famous Jack the Ripper, concealing the fact that the killer was a faithful helper of Agnes, seek to sign a blood Pact, cutting off part of the body of their victims.

The echoes of this nightmare stirred up the mind of schizophrenic Maureen, who found himself the embodiment of Agnes, and your doctor tray Campbell – reincarnation of a monstrous villain. Soon Tray goes on vacation, and Maureen, not wanting to leave Sneem, satisfied with the bloody massacre and escapes from the hospital to, copying all the terrible deeds insane Agnes finally reunited with her lover, even if for the sake of it she would have to kill all his family.

Review: Briton John Hough (director of Incubus and Twins of Evil movies) , well entrenched in America, known for a wide range of fans for his cult horror film about ghosts, called “The Legend of Hell House .” It can be argued that Huff can shoot interesting and atmospheric movies with unpredictable interchange, such as this one. I’m more like the retreat into the past ( I love themes of reincarnation , mixed with horror .) Although a lot of kills , but they are not particularly bloody . Most of the time it will be presented to one of the favorite themes of Stephen King – an otherworldly entity in someone else’s body . This is about my advantages.

And now I will discuss the shortcomings which , unfortunately, still clearly outweigh the positives. Despite the fairly well-known names among the cast , an experienced writer and director with a good track record , turned a mediocre low-budget ” horrors ” with extremely meager amount of blood and nudity (if one can call it nudity ), and the idiotic script and a terribly wooden heroes film. Visually everything is very , very bad , but it’s just about the only plus “bad karma.” This , as far as I know, are very fond of showing our cable television late at night. That’s where most of the crafts and place .



Bad Karma 2002