Werewolves on Wheels movie

Year: 1971

Duration: 01:23:42

Directed by: Michel Levesque

Actors: Steve Oliver, Donna Anders, Gene Shane, Billy Gray and Gray Johnson

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Angel Warriors 2, Blutnacht des Teufels, I kori tou Satana ki oi lykanthropoi, La notte dei demoni

Description: Biker gang led by a bearded Adam travels across the expanses of the United States in search of adventure on his jeans ass. And they have them, of course, find, drove into the territory of a monastery, where monks placed sect of Satanists.

Review: Hello friends of good old bikermovies , today i bring you one of the most bizarre bikermovies ever ” Werewolf on Wheels ” a hybrid. Horror goes bikermovie .



Werewolves on Wheels 1971
