Hot_Vampire_Nights_2000 Hot Vampire Nights

Year: 2000

Duration: 00:56:37

Directed by: Sean Thornton

Actors: Shelly Jones, Allegra, Dominique, Katelyn Gold

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as:

Description: Shelly Jones plays Mina, the world’s most boring erotic vampire, in this thoroughly disappointing film. Hot Vampire Nights is tepid at best in terms of intensity and eroticism, woefully short in length, and just mind-numbingly boring. Mina is a little hot under the collar because of the negative image of vampires coming out of Hollywood, so she decides to change this mindset and get the real facts of vampirism out to the public; her master plan – call in to a sorry excuse of a really late overnight talk show. When the female host learns that Mina is supposedly a lesbian vampire, all she wants to hear about are stories of some of Mina’s seductive conquests. We, of course, are treated to a bird’s-eye view of each of these encounters, which sounds like it should be a very good thing. Alas, though, each scene is about as exciting as stale bread, and the very few moments of possibly explicit activity is presented so poorly as to be, to repeat myself, boring. The ending is easily predictable less than ten seconds into the movie (except it’s much more uninteresting than I expected), although the final moments of the film do stand out – unfortunately, this is due to the fact that the ending credits take up eight minutes of a film that only runs seventy one minutes to start with.



Hot Vampire Nights