Slaves_to_the_Underground Slaves to the Underground

Year: 1997

Duration: 01:37:13

Directed by: Kristine Peterson

Actors: Molly Gross, Jason Bortz and Marisa Ryan

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as:  Grunge, tjejer & kärlek, Harte Girls und zarte Bande, Submundo de Ambições

Description: Romantic comedy – drama tries honestly, originally and freely to tell us the problems which face by the modern ‘radical’ youth.

Review: This film has surpassed all my expectations. And they were more than modest. The plot is quite simple. Female grunge band from Seattle tries to succeed and get the contract. They are quite popular, their performances in clubs successful. But here’s the group itself passions ran high: a lesbian relationship between the singer and guitarist in danger, because the latter wishes to return to her former boyfriend. And it threatens the group, as impulsive and even aggressive singer Susie unlikely le wants to put up with.

“Slaves to the Underground” – exactly the movie that you like is not so much a plot or a stellar cast, namely the actors are so natural, that it seems that they play themselves. And this, in turn, creates a unique atmosphere in the film, which wants to try again, reviewing the film.



Slaves to the Underground 1997