tt0401696 Non aprite quella porta 3
duration Non aprite quella porta 3 Run time:
heart Non aprite quella porta 3 Rating: 4.5
genre Non aprite quella porta 3 Genres: Horror
info Non aprite quella porta 3 Director: Claudio Fragasso
info Non aprite quella porta 3 Writers: Claudio Fragasso, Flora Film, Variety Film Production

star Non aprite quella porta 3 Stars: Peter Hooten, Tara Buckman, Richard Foster

list Non aprite quella porta 3 Year: 1990
list Non aprite quella porta 3 Source: imdb_id Non aprite quella porta 3
Frequent Bruno Mattei collaborator Claudio Fragasso gets behind the camera for this tale of a guy in a rubber mask and rubber monster claws. Night Killer runs around raping and killing women until one woman escapes.  This woman knows who he is and Night Killer has to abandon his random crime spree to focus on her. She is so traumatized though that she can’t remember Night Killer’s identity!

Those of you well versed with Claudio’s work will not be surprised by the completely nonsensical plot twists and utterly ridiculous police scheme to help the woman regain her memory and catch Night Killer.

A nicely scuzzy effort that features Night Killer punching his way through stomachs despite his monster claws clearly bending whenever he uses them.  There is also the completely silly and predictable shock ending that you will love anyway.

The source is a rip from a DVD-R that was apparently recorded from a Spanish or Portuguese VHS tape which has hardcoded subtitles so the quality isn’t anywhere near great.  Still, it is watchable and is in English.  If you liked Fragasso’s other stuff (Troll 2, Beyond Darkness, and the films he did with Mattei), this will be right up your alley.

Country: Italy
Language: English
Also know as: Night Killer, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3, Night Killer,


Non aprite quella porta 3