tt1213643 Gonger - Das Böse vergisst nie
duration Gonger - Das Böse vergisst nie Run time: 1h 34min
heart Gonger - Das Böse vergisst nie Rating: 3.8
genre Gonger - Das Böse vergisst nie Genres: Horror,Mystery,Thriller
info Gonger - Das Böse vergisst nie Director: Christian Theede
info Gonger - Das Böse vergisst nie Writers: Ben Bernschneider, Christian Theede, Filmpool Film und Fernsehproduktion, Pro 7

star Gonger - Das Böse vergisst nie Stars: Sebastian Ströbel, Teresa Weißbach, Dario Stankewitz

list Gonger - Das Böse vergisst nie Year: 2008
list Gonger - Das Böse vergisst nie Source: imdb_id Gonger - Das Böse vergisst nie
Sebastian Stöbel makes an orphaned adult who returns reluctantly to his former home village in which time his parents died, to sell the legacy of his grandfather. He meets his former friends again, but the joy is quickly marred when one of them dies. Now he has learned that his grandfather then killed with the grandfathers of his friends, a boy in Watt who now returns as Gonger to kill their grandchildren. With “The Sea Wolf” and “Two Santas” had ProSiebenSat1 Media last two acceptable delivered movies and not disappoints all level to flops like “meat”, “H3” or “Dorte’s Dancing” times. A really good start to 2009 is possible with “Gonger – Evil Never Forget” not yet, the film not be disappointed in every aspect. Mystery- and horror productions sell still quite good, while in recent years increasingly and more clearly suffer from their lack of imagination. In America, responding to that you simply turned increasingly to remake Japanese horror productions, and various clichés together ment plowed over and over again. And can the authors of Prosieben definitely also how to recognize it here easily. The basis is first examined once a German ghost forecast, and there are indeed definitely enough, and finally decided on the Gonger who roams loud forecast on Sylt. Everything you make of it is cobbled together from various horror movies. What a nebulized and dirty sump is used in American movies that Watt has to serve here. To choose a small child as a killer is also nothing new, since the appearance clearly recalls the killer kid from “The Grudge”. The plot is a spirit who returns to take revenge for his own death, is actually since “Nightmare on Elm Street” out of fashion and this phenomenal unimaginativeness the authors definitely runs like a thread through the film, as are the characters rather flat. Occasionally, the film suggests at least some minor rakes and surprised at the end at least a little, but all in all, it is far too little of what the authors together tight like that. In defense was but said that he compared with American productions of this kind in recent times, quite still lies in healthy mediocrity and still better has become a flop like “Missed Call”. , Is solid, but no more than the staging Christian Teede who previously could not particularly a lot of experience with German television. With the gloomy soundtrack that is very good for a German TV production, and a few dark scenes, such as the Wadden, the misty pine forests, as well as a dark cellar, builds Teede at least temporarily occasionally a dark atmosphere, which he with calculable and common shock moments that he used too often, but can rarely use. Unfortunately, the film takes on itself too seriously, and generally shows no self-irony, which would have been quite appropriate here, and there is not one bloody scene. In the last third acts the story, which was until then actually dished dramaturgical quite adept always confused what is able to compensate for the surprising and reasonably successful finale barely. Since Teede but opts for a high narrative pace, which he takes an unmistakable Kurzweiligkeit in buying, maintains “Gonger” continuously, because if one thinks too much about what they saw. Performer Risch moves “Gonger” in rather moderate German TV-level. Really convincing in this Quantcast nobody, the only one who stands out really positive, is at most of the nasty mayor, but otherwise there is to see rather wooden and bumpy services, would fit just as well in “Forbidden Love” …
Country: Germany
Language: German
Also know as: Gonger, Gonger – El mal viene del pasado, Vengeance d’outre-tombe,

Gonger – Das Böse vergisst nie