7 Votes

Tristana Tristana

Year: 1970

Duration: 01:34:48

Directed by: Luis Buñuel

Actors: Catherine Deneuve, Fernando Rey, Franco Nero, Lola Gaos, Antonio Casas

Language: Spanish (English subs)

Country: Spain | Italy | France

Also known as: Bunuel ’70, Seni sevmeyecegim, Amor Perverso, Uma Paixão Mórbida

Description: Honestly, I did not expect that the film will hook me so when sitting down to watch , because before that the works of Bunuel is not something that was not particularly familiar with , all of his surname only heard a couple of times .

Movies definitely fits its name. Tristana – the name of the main character – a derivative of the word ” melancholy “, ” sadness ” in the translation. And it creates this picture director, subtly, gradually and also very realistic. There is no single definition of a positive character , even in the background.

Itself the main character , though perfectly reflects the image of ” melancholy ” unfree woman trapped with most of his youth in probation and forced to relive one disappointment after another ( first due to harassment of her guardian , then not too deep culture – beautiful young artist , which at the first difficulties turned to dust , and then because of his injury) , but I can not say that she deeply empathize . Because the girl character almost from the beginning it leaves much to be desired . Angelic appearance here conflicts with its internal content . Initially it appears to us ordinary person , not a ” cinematic ” is not perfect , not bad and not good at the same time , which is gradually slipping into the abyss of anger and anguish. People in general are rarely ideal. And people , crippled destiny spiritually and physically , twice. It is a fact of life , so despite the lack of sympathy for the heroine , I can not blame her , except, perhaps, the final scene release … yet it caused too much Tristan rejection as a character . Another point that is particularly noteworthy , – a relationship girl with religion : the more she suffers , the more drawn to religion, but at the same time, the more it becomes obdurate in his anger .




Tristana 1970

Tristana (English subs)