15 Votes

The-Acid-House The Acid House

Year: 1998

Duration: 01:43:48

Directed by: Paul McGuigan

Actors: Stephen McCole, Maurice Roeves, Garry Sweeney

Language: English

Country: UK

Also known as:Acid House, The Granton Star Cause, Viaje ácido, Asit evi

Description: Probably of all the films I ‘ve seen , not one left behind so many negative emotions and dead time as this movie . See out it was very difficult, and what is happening in the frame annoying , amazed (not in a good way) , forced to miss and spit on what is happening , but in any case not to enjoy what they see .

“Acid House” turned out really original film , except that the next time this originality I would not like to see . Three stories , three strange , not normal , crazy , decadent stories . I did not see anything interesting, nothing good and joyful , but on a different devilry and how low people can sink seen enough enough.

The filmmakers were clearly no stranger to illicit drugs , or simply to explain their stories can not be built . Heroes repulsive , like the events that are happening to them . This is not life – it’s the bottom of the existence ( the story about the guy ‘s wife and neighbor ) and psihodericheskie images of the patient falls unconscious on the soil of real people ( stories transformation into a fly and the relocation to the child). The same is with the atmosphere and with special effects ( without the fear of a child in recent history will not look ) .




The Acid House