6 Votes

Saturday-Morning-massacre Saturday Morning Mystery

Year:  2012

Duration:  01:27:58

Directed by:  Spencer Parsons

Actors: J onny Mars, Josephine Decker, Adam Tate

Language:  English

Country:  USA

Also known as:  Saturday Morning Massacre


A group of hunters for ghosts is specialized in travels across the country, destroying legends about houses with ghosts. The job is not very money and, ultimately, the boys are broke. But suddenly they receive a lucrative offer to do a banishing the ghosts from the mansion of the Kaiser, who, as they say in the district, was engaged in Satanism and even managed to open a gate to hell! Drawn acute monetary need, four to a boat, not counting the dogs, head into the mansion to face with a very unexpected things…
Of courseSaturday morning Mysterydoes not even reach a solid middle of the genre, but if you have reviewed all the best examples of horror, and just for giggles want to see a fun half hour of bloody trash at least as stringent as the voice acting, then this movie is for you!



Saturday Morning Mystery (2012)