Invasion_of_the_Blood_Farmers_1972 Invasion of the Blood Farmers

Year: 1972

Duration: 01:18:42

Directed by: Ed Adlum

Actors: Norman Kelley, Tanna Hunter and Bruce Detrick

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Aima! Trofi gia zontanous, Invasion der Blutfarmer, Invasion der Tollwütigen

Description: Somewhere in the countryside the farmers are actually decendants of an ancient sect of druids (human sacrifices, etc.), so they have nothing better to do but terrorize the country folk. Make no mistake though: This is pure gold amongst bad movies! Finally, it’s not my rip so my appreciation goes to the original ripper. Have fun!

Somewhere in upstate New York, a young woman is terrorized by a group of rural farmers primarily interested in a harvest of blood.

This ultra low budget horror film is among the best B gore films of the era, and is truly a camp classic. In it, a small Midwestern town is being plagued by a series of bizarre ritualistic murders. It seems a covert society of Druids is killing some of the townsfolk in a search for the perfect “blood host,” who turns out to be the teenage daughter of a local scientist. Full of inept acting, gore, and ridiculous dialogue, INVASION OF THE BLOOD FARMERS is a boon for fans of camp horror.



Invasion of the Blood Farmers 1972