10 Votes

The-World-Is-Full-Of-Married-Men The World Is Full of Married Men

Year: 1979

Duration: 01:42:19

Directed by: Robert Young

Actors: Anthony Franciosa, Carroll Baker, Sherrie Lee Cronn

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: El mundo está lleno de hombres casados, Le monde est plein d’hommes mariés, O kosmos einai gematos pantremenous, Il mondo di una cover girl, O Mundo Está Cheio de Homens Casados, Kadinlar aptal degildir


I simply viewed this outrageously hammy jewel and I also must say that I enjoyed it far more than I expected. Absolutely nothing might have prepared myself for the merciless onslaught of bad disco songs the movie must provide, and I wasn’t ready for the outlandish (yet extremely welcome) finale (with no, I wouldn’t dream of offering that away).

The plot is simple: an effective wedded man (Franciosa) has been cheating on his foxy spouse (Baker) for years. His spouse eventually learns of his behavior and starts an event with a disco star known as Gem Gemini (!). The spouse learns the errors of his means and attempts to get his partner back, but she’s unwilling to give him another opportunity. That’s the framework for the story, but it’s the details that set it apart from others of its kind, and just what wild details they are.

Anticipate heavy amounts of sleaze, a horde of nasty language (mostly from the always amusing Franciosa) and some alarmingly great acting by Franciosa and Baker. The course is also fine; the shot design is sure-footed, ambitious and stylish. I appreciated the script since well; it’s consistently interesting and it has some eye-opening insights into the minds of its central characters.

Let’s only say that we understood I became in for a 102 moment disco freak-out whenever the opening credits had been backed by Bonnie Tyler, singing the atrocious name track into the digital camera! The film has its serious moments, but much regarding the drama can only be enjoyed as pure camp today that the film has become such a time pill. Don’t miss this alternately devastating and hilarious would-be classic!



The World Is Full of Married Men 1979