O Artesão de Mulheres movie

Year: 1978

Duration: 01:14:24

Directed by: Antonio Bonacin Thome

Actors: Waldir Siebert, Aldine Muller, Pedro Cassador

Language:  Portuguese

Country: Brazil

Also known as: O Artesão de Mulheres

Description: Typical Brazilian pornochanchada from the late 1970’s with all elements that made audiences flock movie theaters at the time – sexual and funny situations and tons of nudity. Director Antônio B.Thomé was known as cinematographer but directed a few films, being this one of them. It’s the story of doctor Marcus, owner of a massage clinic, and his assistant who have the time of their lifes with all the hot female clients. Things change when the doctor falls in love for the pretty Verinha. Well, who wouldn’t feel the same as Verinha is played by gorgeous Aldine Müller, one of the real queens of Brazilaim cinema from that period.



O Artesão de Mulheres 1978
