Le-doux-amour-des-hommes Man's Gentle Love

Year: 2002

Duration: 01:14:07

Directed by: Jean-Paul Civeyrac

Actors: Renaud Bécard, Claire Pérot, Marie-Joséphine Crenn

Language: French

Country: France

Also known as: Le doux amour des hommes

Description of Man’s Gentle Love: Raul – an aspiring poet. But his poetic debut turned out to be a creative silence – Raul feels nothing. It’s empty, burned from the inside. He can not understand myself. And most importantly – it does not know how to love. Replaced by a girl, alternate names. But one day happen meeting turns life of Raoul, these casual relationships, bohemian meeting, attempts to publish something, all this unnecessary stuff.
This is the party of Jean-Paul Siveyraka, enthusiastic theme of ghosts, which is more realistic – the director shows the history of the common man, who is trying to change. However, Siveyrak itself has not changed: rather dark atmospherics, hot feelings, thoughts about death – all these themes by French film director in the film are present.



Man’s Gentle Love

Man’s Gentle Love English subtitles