12 Votes

Lea_2011 Léa

Year: 2011

Duration: 01:32:59

Directed by: Bruno Rolland

Actors: Anne Azoulay, Ginette Garcin, Eric Elmosnino, Magali Muxart, Sophie Malnatti and Nathalie Mann

Language: French (English subs)

Country: France

Also known as:

Description: Lea lives in Le Havre, the town in which she grew up. She is studying at the university and takes care of her grandmother, who requires constant attention. To earn some money, Lee has to work as a waitress in a nightclub. But Lea dreams of another life. She wants to move to Paris, to study political science. When she was taken into the prestigious Institute of Political Studies, she must make a decision. She should give up with her grandmother. When Lea finally finds a decent retirement home for her, she is faced with the dilemma that it’s very expencive. Lea decides to become a stripper …

Review: Film – is an episode in the history of Lea and wonder what’s next. In principle, the same was not always clear what was before and during – the choice of scenes caught on screen, seems arbitrary, about missing something important, like the missing member of incomplete sentences that can, however, restore the context , and somewhere to show something is not important



Léa 2011

English subs