17 Votes

The Redsin Tower movie

Year: 2006

Duration: 01:28:00

Directed by: Fred Vogel

Actors: Bethany Newell, Perry Tiberio, Jessica Kennedy and Meghan O’Halloran

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as:

Description: The short version: a bunch of idiots get together to go party in an abandoned old place called The Redsin Tower.  Also, one of the girls is being stalked by her insane ex-boyfriend.  And the movie was made by Toetag.

What this basically means is that the movie is almost like a mean trick on unsuspecting viewers– the first two-thirds of the film are a pretty standard, dull teen horror movie, and then the last act is absolutely over-the-top brutal and sick.  That first hour is tough to plow through, but if you’re looking for some truly gruesome special effects, the finale may make it worth your while.

The director of Redsin Tower also made a famous trilogy of August Underground



The Redsin Tower 2006
