15 Votes

The_House_on_Sorority_Row The House on Sorority Row

Year: 1983

Duration: 01:31:23

Directed by: Mark Rosman

Actors: Kate McNeil, Eileen Davidson, Janis Ward and Robin Meloy 

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: House of Evil, Seven Sisters, Non entrate in quel collegio, A Casa na Esquina de Sorority

Description: One of my childhood favorites, The House on Sorority Row is without a doubt a diamond in the rough of the slasher sub-genre. Although it can’t be compared to the classics, it still holds up very well. I don’t understand why this one got overlooked when it should be considered one of the best of the 80’s.

When it comes to slashers, there are way too many bad ones out there and I’ve seen them all. But this one really stands out among the garbage with it’s above-average writing and acting (for this type of movie anyway), great professional-looking directing (instead of the usual horrible b-movie camera work that seems typical for a slasher) likable characters and an interesting plot. It was obviously heavily influenced by Black Christmas, but that’s definitely a good thing. The deaths aren’t really too special here but still enjoyable to watch anyway with a nice amount of gore. It even gets pretty suspenseful towards the end as well. So it may be considered to be a tad cliché, but overall, it’s too good for you to actually care. This one’s DEFINITELY worth a look if you’re a slasher fan who’s sick of all the same old crap

Review: The House On Sorority Row is, in my opinion, one of the best of the 80’s slashers. It’s criminally underrated. The director, Mark Rosman, was actually the protégé of Brian De Palma, and it really shows. I don’t want to go too far and say this is a classy slasher, but it certainly seems to have been made with plenty of heart and style. It’s leagues above most of the other slashers of the time. It’s tons of fun from start to finish.



The House on Sorority Row 1983