Project-Nightmare Project Nightmare

Year: 1987

Duration: 01:14:37

Directed by: Donald M. Jones

Actors: Charles Miller, Seth Foster, Elly Koslo

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: e yun xiang mu

Description: Want to talk about a rare movie? Try this on for size: IMDB is still awaiting 5 votes, so there is no User Rating. No External Reviews. No Newsgroup Reviews. Only one User Comment from someone who’s actually seen this thing. Needless to say, no Trivia, no Quotes, no Posters, nothing. Check it out for yourselves — I find that pretty incredible for a movie that’s over 20 years old.

I stopped by a Mom-and-Pop video store in my new neighborhood that was closing out their VHS tapes for 99 cents each, and I couldn’t resist buying a few titles I’d never heard of. I’ll have more to share from that haul in the near future, but for now I’ll bring you what appears to be the most rare of them.

Review: Looks like it may have been shot in the late 70s/early 80s and released on home video in 87.

Pretty freaky mind trip film about 2 guys camping in the desert who become innocent bystanders in a secret government computer mind control experiment gone awry, and send the 2 men on a schizophrenic/hallucinogenic misadventure, leading one of them to locate the source in an secret underground computer lab.

Though fairly low-budget, I personally thought it had some impressive cinematography, an original story, creative video effects on a limited finance, and an 8-bit soundtrack that totally Blew My Mind! (like that guy from Scanners)



Project Nightmare 1987