13 Votes

Matthew-Blackheart-Monster-Smasher Matthew Blackheart: Monster Smasher

Year: 2002

Duration: 01:33:24

Directed by: Erik Canuel

Actors: Robert Bogue, Christopher Heyerdahl, Jay Baruchel

Language: English

Country: Canada | USA

Also known as: Matthew Blackheart, Matthew Blackheart: Exolothreftis teraton, Blackheart


Bogeys beware! This is a made-for-television gem. Matthew Blackheart is a quirky mix between Captain America and a cocky Bruce Campbell. Matthew Blackheart was engineered by the government to fight nazi monsters known as Bogeys (that’s the Captain America part). After a fifty-five year sleep (more Captain America), he is back it New York, cocky as hell, fighting Bogeys (that’s where the Bruce Campbell part comes into play). The special effects are incredible, especially for made-for-TV stuff. The movie itself runs more like a pilot for a television series. And I’m surprised that it’s not one. It leaves some unanswered questions and a very open ending. An excellent comic book movie nonetheless.

***   IMHO this is a pretty entertaining little gem which borrows elements of Indiana Jones / Capt. America / and everything & anything Bruce Campbell ever did and wrap it into a fairly campy yet clever comic book style movie.  Robert Bouge is really great as the campy Matthew Bllackheart and much of his dialog is just brilliant.  This is a sleeper that I really loved personally.  On w / the show …

So there it is.  I would almost think that this would be considered ” must have ” material for fans of Bruce Campbell.  But that’s just my 2 cents.  BTW ….. the blonde in the flik , Karen Elkin , is kinda hot in her own way too.  No gratuitious nudity though.  Perhaps the films only failure ??



Matthew Blackheart: Monster Smasher (2002)