Sand-Trap Sand Trap

Year: 1972

Duration: 01:40:12

Directed by: Harris Done

Actors:  David Markey, Brad Koepenick, Elizabeth Morehead

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Deadly Nevada – Hetzjagd in der Wüste, Pagida stin ammo


Margot and her lover Jack had planned the «ideal murder. Their sacrifice Nilsson, husband Margo and best friend Jack. He thrown into the wilderness, unconscious, under the scorching sun. Until a couple looking for a Sheriff for the ascertaining of the fact of death, «corpse» disappears.

Badly wounded, dying of thirst Nilsson should get out of the Sands before the murderer will be able to find it. And Jack and Margo should go ahead Sheriff who by all the rules of searches and does not suspect that this was no accident. The wounded beast walks down the dead sands Nilsson, a fierce will to live fills it.

Jack and Margo do not hide mutual irritation, and the Sheriff suddenly begins to understand what is happening. Former hunters become trapped in a trap victims…



Sand Trap 1998