ill-never-die-alone-extended-sleaze-poster I'll Never Die Alone (Extended Sleaze Edition)

Year: 2008

Duration: 96 min.

Directed by:  Adrián García Bogliano

Actors:  Gimena Blesa, Marisol Tur, Magdalena De Santo

Language: Spanish | English Subtitles

Country: Argentina | Spain

Also known as: No moriré sola

Description: A group of women going for a drive find a dying woman on the ground and help her. This leads to all of them getting gang raped/tortured in the woods. A Spanish version of ‘I Spit on Your Grave,’ featuring a group of women this time instead of just one. Low budget, amateurish, and exploitative, this graphic film offers nothing new to the Rape/Revenge genre, except perhaps a higher degree of naturalism. For example, during the extended rape scene, the breathing of the women is right up front in the mix leading to a greater emotional connection to them (as if just watching them get tortured and raped wasn’t enough.) The acting is better than average. The second half of the film – the Revenge part – doesn’t have the high-budget special effects that the Hollywood remakes of IPOYG have, but its enjoyable nonetheless to watch the rapers get what they deserve and make-up effects are very good, IMO. Now in this ‘Extended Sleaze Version,’ 12 more minutes were added to the gang rape scene. Extra Sleazy indeed!



 I’ll Never Die Alone (2008) Uncut Extended Sleaze

English Subs