Hot-Parts Hot Parts

Year: 2003

Duration: 01:30:05

Directed by: Jennifer Marchese

Actors: Kenya Moore, Sticky Fingaz, Tami Roman

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Hot Parts 2003

Description: The Italian Mob has two black men, that used to steal cars for them, assassinated after a job that went bad. The sister of one of the murdered robbers and her stipper friends decide to infiltrate the car robbers group in order to figure out who did it. They are three girls out to seek revenge.

“A squeaky clean stripper (who magically gets tips despite the fact she won’t undress or give lap dances) convinces her stripper coworkers to infiltrate the mafia car theft ring that murdered her little brother. Together they steal some shitty SUVs and dream about opening a dance studio. Mexican standoff, the end.”

Review: The movie “Hot Parts” is quite bad, but I kind of like it. There might be something very wrong with me though, so take that for what it’s worth.

Essentially, this is one of those New Concorde movies that no one has ever heard of because it’s quite unremarkable in almost every way. The action is lukewarm at best and the dramatic and crime elements are forgettable and bland. The script sucks, the direction is lackluster and the acting is simply mediocre. The movie isn’t bad enough to be campy or fun, but it’s not even close to being good either.

Now that I’ve convinced you not to download it, here are the movie’s biggest crimes:
It’s a movie about strippers who NEVER take their clothes off.
The plot holes are big enough to drive a stolen truck through.
The on-screen police work in this movie is some of the worst I’ve seen.
There’s no fucking nudity in the entire goddamn movie and it’s about strippers.
I know I’ve said it twice already… but seriously? Not one skin shot in the entire 90 minutes?

There are a few selling points though. The girls are hot, the acting is not horrendous, and if you like rapsploitation (and who doesn’t like shit movies featuring rappers and awful R&B music?) you need to see this.



Hot Parts (2003)