Brigade-Mondaine Brigade mondaine

Year: 1978

Duration: 01:29:28

Directed by: Jacques Scandelari

Actors: ,Patrice Valota, Odile Michel, Florence Cayrol

Language: French

Country: France

Also known as: A Brigada Mundana, Victims of Vice, Vice Squad


In the 70s, Brigade Mondaine was a rather successful series of trash crime novels including a lot of sex and violence. At the end of the decade, it yielded three movies which used the same basic recipe with mixed results, all of them with a campy disco soundtrack by the very overrated Cerrone.

The story is the classic tale of the young innocent girl whom her diabolical boyfriend sells into prostitution, thus giving the director an excuse for a lot of sex scenes. And, for another excuse, the lead cop is quite the ladies man himself. Indeed, there is so much sex and nudity in it that « Brigade Mondaine » almost plays like a softcore movie.

The perpetually naked heroine is played by Odile Michel who thus sabotaged a career nicely started in the critically acclaimed « Diabolo-Menthe » the year before. Her only subsequent notable apparition was in the softcore movie « Venus ». Add a few small parts in various productions, including some for TV, and the beautiful actress disappeared into thin air. A pity, really.

The rare English dubbed version of the 1978 French crime/drama film which disco icon Cerrone did the music for. This is my rip and it has Russian subtitles (which are easily ignored). The movie itself is near impossible to find, but in English, even more so.

If you like dark, sleazy and gritty cop films of the 70s (think if an episode of Kojak hit the big screen back in the time or if Miami Vice was in the 70s on the big screen), you’ll def dig this film.

Without giving too much away, 2 detectives (which theres some humor here and there in their charactors) are after a huge drug and prostitution ring, crooked all know the deal. Any fans of Cerrone will also apreciate this.



 Brigade mondaine