7 Votes

Black-Eye Black Eye

Year: 1974

Duration: 01:37:25

Directed by: Jack Arnold

Actors: Fred Williamson, Rosemary Forsyth, Teresa Graves

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: To syndikato tis vias, O mavros dynamitis ekdikeitai, O Detective Stone, Con tanti cari… cadaveri detective Stone

Description: Fred “the Hammer” Williamson gives a cool, relatively subdued performance as a private eye in this slick gumshoe thriller Black Eye directed by Jack Arnold, who also worked with Fred (less successfully, I think) on ‘Boss Nigger’. It does look a lot like a TV movie, but it’s worth remembering that TV movies in the 1970s were actually quite impressive. Personally I like to imagine that it’s the pilot for a long-running detective series, possibly called ‘The Blackford Files’.

Review: In Los Angeles dies movie star. After the funeral, it turns out that the famous cane with a characteristic knob, which is always walked actor, disappeared without a trace. Private detective stone finds that a spectacular thing is somehow connected with the series of murders, including in the environment of drug dealers in the Californian city Vinicio. The investigation of the crime causes the first stone to the making of porn film, and then – to the followers of a religious cult. Along the way, stone engaged in a strange relationship with a young bisexual that more ignites passion.



Black Eye 1974