12 Votes

Bawdy-tales Bawdy Tales

Year: 1973

Duration: 01:37:38

Directed by:  Sergio Citti

Actors:  Nicoletta Machiavelli, Silvano Gatti, Enzo Petriglia

Language: English

Country: ITALY

Also known as: Storie scellerate, Anithikes istories, Bawdy Tales, Decamerone – Abenteuer der Wollust, Himokkaiden hommelit, Histoires scélérates, Osedliga berättelser, Roguish Stories

Description: Storie Scellerate clearly belongs to the family of Pasolini’s Trilogia della vita, although perhaps it’s a poor relation of sorts, at any rate an embittered one. It bears a superficial resemblance to the Decameron, bathed in sunlight and swathed in colours: although it’s set in the nineteenth century rather than the fourteenth, the difference is at most superficial, often negligible. But its mood is as dark as Canterbury which is the darkest of the Trilogy: sex is paid for in blood, and murders by colder, judicial murders. One way or another, the order of the world revenges itself – nastily – on transgressors, even if the final Last Judgement (if that’s not tautologous) allows a fleeting moment of wry optimism. That last judgement, which is another thing the film has in common with its two siblings, is original, understated and unequivocally natural, but it only makes an imaginary difference to the dénouement. It’s vibrant, violent, pessimistic, sunny, sordid and rarely tender, with a tighter structure than The Canterbury Tales and some rather heavy-handed social satire. Not, perhaps, a masterpiece, but not to be ignored.

Review: “Bawdy Tales” shot by Sergio Chitty scenario Pier Paolo Pasolini can be called a kind of “anti-Decameron”: frivolous collection of anecdotes from a straightforward morality addressed primarily male audience. The moral of this is the Council, which is in agreement with the leaflets, posted at the STI clinics. Put your own (…) which do not, and you can stay without it. As part with the object of his male pride characters intricate stories to tell each other hobos and Mammon Bernardino awaiting deserved punishment.

However, first we meet cheerful couple is not in prison, and in another place … In places like as a company do not go. Under Rabelaisian sounds bowel movements and soft murmur of fluid from the bladder to the other two plants small talk, remembering funny stories which witnesses they happen to be. Well, for example, about loving the Duchess, who at the time of her husband in bed bdel dying father (the action takes place in the middle of the XIX century in the Papal States), at the same time meet their own six peasants. Or the village priest that absolve parishioner in bed and was caught by her brothers (just one of those six) … these stories are really funny and filed so that sometimes want to laugh loudly: what is even a scene where a graph hiding in the confessional, listens to details of the adventures of his own wife. But their conclusion … However, it is also quite a funny thing. Is kebab male genitalia is not funny?

This, however, belongs to another story that Mammone Bernardino and discussed already in prison, where they were for the murder of another stroller that inadvertently joined them in a makeshift toilet, but who cares? All the stories that are told in the film Chitty Pasolini and have a characteristic smell and quite proud of it. But at the same time they are told in rich, vivid cinematic language, followed by the very scent fades very quickly, leaving behind a cold scent, easily masked by perfume beautiful camera work, precise actor thumbnails (gorgeous Nicoletta Machiavelli as a duchess, but the rest of it either in no way inferior), chic suits, etc., etc. That is something stories themselves are “filthy”, but the whole lot, imposed by the authors, is packaged in a slim box that intentionally -involuntarily want to take it up and take a closer look.

Just do not say we did not warn you. It’s not even “Immoral stories” Monsieur Borovchika. All that matters much worse. However, if the heroes Rabelais could always let the gases and juicy fart, what Signora Pasolini and Chitty worse? Just for the sake of all the gods, do not look for in all of this hidden meaning and reach of the cabinets works of the classics of psychoanalysis. It looks like one big joke, [self-] parody of “Decameron” – this is it. One big kinohuliganstvo that can afford a really talented people. Of course, overly squeamish viewers results of bullying may seem too specific – but that’s no reason to take up a shovel and broom.



Bawdy Tales 1973