In_the_Bedroom_2001 In the Bedroom

Year: 2001

Duration: 02:10:00

Directed by: Todd Field

Actors: Tom Wilkinson, Sissy Spacek and Nick Stahl

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Crímen imperdonable |Entre Quatro Paredes | Sans issue | U spavacoj sobi

Description: Quite a young boy (college student) comes home for holidays and falls in love with Natalie, a woman who is much older than him. It starts as a typical summer romance, and at the end of the summer they would part and forget each other. He believes in it and he is trying to make believe his parents. But her ex-husband, jealous of his wife (whom he has not formally divorced) and his two sons, one of the clashes kills the guy. Broken hearted parents open to each other their real faces.

Review: Well made movie, bet more on the actors’ Tom Wilkinson and Sissy Spacek. Yes, actually, in this film’s budget is not so high, but the actors a very powerful and believable acting game. This includes not only the main actors, ensemble cast starring did however daunting job.

Perhaps the subject of the film “In the Bedroom” is not new to the movies, tapes successful enough, but, nevertheless, delicate work of Todd Field’s does not destroy it, and after looking to understand what the critics loved this film. Basically any art film is designed for the end user and the interests of taste, but no, Todd Field shows the relationship drama with no masks, thus making it fairly easy to perceive a strong history and life view.

Wonderful movie. Unexpected turn, it is unclear why disclosed in Annotated. More than anything in the movie remember the phrase: “You’re acting as if nothing had happened!” Often when people choose different events such behavior, probably just because I do not know what to do. And it seems to me is not an easy choice.



In the Bedroom

In the Bedroom CD 2