Happy_Endings_2005 Happy Endings

Year: 2005

Duration: 02:12:54

Directed by: Don Roos

Actors: Lisa Kudrow, Steve Coogan, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jesse Bradford

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Finais Felizes, Un final feliz, Hepiendek

Description: 10 parallel stories about the strangeness of love. One of the stories devoted father and son, who meet with the same woman. Another about a girl who gave her baby up for adoption, and then met a man who claims to know where her son now. Two lesbians use another gay for conception, and now they say that nothing happened, but their two year-old son looks just like him …

Review: Kudrow shows for a second breast, and Gyllenhaal much and just great singing. Here, for whom I watched this movie, and principle have not regretted it. Come out to the forefront tangled plot lines is not new in the film, and it can not be considered the core of the tape, the more parallel stories that are not annoying, and you’re quite have time to remember all the characters and figure out who is who.

No genius, and should not be, just kind soul and so I watched with interest. This is a movie about different people, with different fates. And it is only at first glance heppiendy seem so happy. Yet it is not worth the name translates to – hence all the spitting.

Basically, the film is not bad. Only if intolerant of people with gay, it’s better not to look and not to spoil their nerves. And the rest, just like in the good old Latin American series.



Happy Endings 2005 CD1

Happy Endings 2005 CD2