Zombies!_Zombies!_Zombies!_2008 Zombies! Zombies! Zombies!

Year: 2008

Duration: 01:22:12

Directed by:  Jason Murphy

Actors:  Lyanna Tumaneng, Jessica Barton and Hollie Winnard

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! – Strippers vs. Zombies, SVZ – Zonbie vs. Stripper

Description: Drug experiment is not on the plan and provokes the appearance of blood-thirsty zombies. A small group of guys in the club, bans by guise dancers of exotic dancing, have to deal with them. Thanks to his wit and skills, they are trying to survive the night, and pray so as not to become victims of flesh-eating zombies …

What that plot synopsis doesn’t tell you is that it’s a bunch of skank hookers who pick up johns outisde the strip club who smoke the zombie crack or that their pimp steals the show in every scene he’s in. The effects are lame and there’s not enough tits, but it’s still a pretty entertaining movie.

Review: Fashionable nowadays topic «zombie-movie» has become so popular that movies of this subject began to remove all and sundry. Moreover, some people manage to do it for the most modest means. But not even in the budget deal, a lot of cases, when, and for little money managed to pull off quite a decent movie. The main thing is to take quality because the talent of many directors left to be desired. Here is a case in point is when the talent is not …

Alas, the fantasy from the creators did not have to even think of the name of the film is normal, what could be there to talk about the script. Formulation and implementation of the picture corresponds to $ 30,000, so the hope for something does not make sense. There is a movie only a couple of cute girls, and so more than anything else that might like and what could be praised. In general, stripped of all stupid, boring, cheap and uninteresting.



Zombies! Zombies! Zombies!