13 Votes

The-Swamp-of-the-Ravens The Swamp of the Ravens

Year: 1974

Duration: 1:25:22

Directed by: Manuel Caño

Actors: Gaspar Bacigallipi, Marcia Bichette, César Carmigniani

Language: Spanish(English Subs provided)

Country: Spain. Ecuador

Also known as:  El pantano de los cuervos(original title), Der Sumpf der Raben, Hamena ptomata

Description: Talented scientist biochemist is obsessed by idea of revitalizing deads. And we can not say that Dr. Frost’s experiments are failing. Quite the contrary – animated corpses twitch, blink, and even making noises … It’s just local city authorities forbiden his experiments. And scientist has no choice as to get out in the jungle, where at the humble to arrange laboratory experiments and continue to produce zombies. Moreover, that these should have a mad doctor get better and better. Well, waste material – into the swamp, let vultures rejoice. And nothing, but more and more are growing appetite … from the corpses, it goes to the experiments on human beings, and then steals the girl, in which he was hopelessly in love …

Review: The first, and probably the only Ecuadorian horror movie was filmed a little-known Spanish director Manuel Cano in the mid 70’s and deserves to be mentioned in the large volume history of the genre except its exotic origins. Nothing more to show off. Well, maybe erotic scene with “beautiful female corpse” may, for the time could be seen as something shocking, but after all the modern audience “Nekromantik” it seems perfectly innocent trifle. And then, even if «El Pantano de los cuervos» pioneered the admission of necrophilia on the big screen – it is not proud.

Horror-story Ecuadorian born, however, it meets the expectations of fans of the genre. A talented scientist and biochemist (not otherwise memorable heir Victor Frankenstein) is obsessed with reviving the dead. And do not say that with its implementation by Dr. Frost is the case does not matter. Quite the contrary – the bodies twitch, blink, and even scream … But damn officials took – and forbidden experiments. Well, what can you do? Just to get away in the jungle, where the humble hut to arrange a laboratory for the production of zombies. Moreover, that these should have a mad doctor get better and better – one out even now an assistant walks. Well, waste material – into the swamp, let vultures rejoice. And nothing, but more and more are growing appetites of our hero … from the corpses, it goes to the experiments on human beings, and then steals the girl, in which he was hopelessly in love …

In fact, out of all of this could have been done quite a decent film even on a tight budget, but Cano lady came out, simply and bluntly, awful tyagomotina. Trying to do something like a psychological thriller, show a slow madness Frost, his demonic obsession with science, which gradually develops into an obsession or simply have no effect. Just because Ramiro Olivares, plays the main role, quietly, peacefully playing a classic mad scientist and think thought that the director was trying to portray his character in the development of …

Roughly speaking, where the audience was waiting for an elementary action, he began to lecture about the dangers of uncontrolled scientific progress. However, where the action is finally starting to grow, it comes down in the end to a set of shocking scenes, such as the already mentioned quite explicit scenes with an act of necrophilia or psevdoromantichnym episodes drowning female zombie. From a male corpse of Dr. Frost’s done easier …

Ecuador’s Frankenstein, though very similar to the prototype of the novel by Mary Shelley, though to him frankly does not hold. Like the vast majority of the epigones. And that’s what the “Swamp of the Ravens” really well – so it’s just the pretty birds. Vultures (or whatever they are) are the true heroes of the film. It is their constant presence in the frame and a very skillful use of the operator of these plans make the picture a truly memorable and somewhere even creepy, not plot reversals and “shocking” episodes. So, this is the rare case where the name of the movie gets to the point with absolute precision. If not for vultures, the watch would be left only to the Ecuadorian exotic locations … But Manuel Cano shot film is not species of wildlife in Latin America, but something completely different. So … it will be small.



The Swamp of the Ravens El pantano de los cuervos(original title) 1974 | Free Download

The Swamp of the Ravens El pantano de los cuervos(original title) 1974 English Subs | Free Download