4 Votes

Scarewaves movie

Year: 2014

Duration: 01:21:00

Directed by: Henrique Couto

Actors: Erin R. Ryan, Haley Madison, Joni Durian, Iabou Windimere, Joe Kidd

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: 

Description: A talk radio host has his last night on the air with his show about scary things. Usually he takes calls from listeners about what scares them. But tonight, he decides to tell four stories himself instead.

The first, Painting After Midnight, is about a painter who hires women to paint. But something happens at midnight while he is painting them. He decides to take on a roommate, who starts to wonder what is going on with the painting. He catches her going through his things and ties her up to paint her. But the plan backfires and soon she is the artist waiting for midnight.

The second story, Fair Scare, is about two brothers who rob an armored car for millions. When they get home to one of the brother’s wife, the arguments about how to divide the money start. The wife tries to seduce the other brother in order to get more of the money, but he tells his brother. The husband is forced to take care of his wife and dispose of her. But she soon comes back to make both the brothers pay for how they treated her.

In the third story, Office Case, a security officer is hired for a night watch. Throughout his watch, the misdeeds of his past begin to come to him and he has nowhere to hide. He alleges to have only one regret from his past, but this one regret is the one he cannot live with.

The last story, Worth The Wait, is the story of a couple that need to get rid of the other woman in his life before they can go on with their lives. She has a great idea about how to do it because she watches all those crime shows. But he has trouble getting it done and she has to wait and wait. While waiting, she begins to wonder if he is really going to go through with it and a visit by the ghost of the other woman scares her to death.

The radio host is visited at the end by fan who comes to collect unpaid bills. What the collector doesn’t remember is that the stories always end with a twist.



 Scarewaves 2014
