10 Votes

plaga-zombie-zona-mutante-poster-e1441360211689 Plaga zombie - Zona mutante

Year:  2001

Duration:  101 min.

Directed by:  Pablo Parés, Hernán Sáez

Actors:  Berta Muñiz, Pablo Parés, Hernán Sáez

Language:  Spanish | English Soft Subs | Director’s Commentary (in English!)

Country:  Argentina

Also known as: Plaga Zombie: Mutant Zone, Plaga zombie: Strefa mutantów

Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1  <– DVD had it at 1.33:1 but that was incorrect; fixed now

Description: An enthusiastically splattery, low-budget comedy gore-fest from Argentina, Zombie Plague Mutant Zone sees three survivors of a zombie outbreak (caused by an alien virus) intercepted by the authorities and thrown straight back into the now quarantined town. The trio, an ex pro-wrestler named John West (Pablo Parés), medical student Bill (Pablo Parés), and a nerd called Max (Hernán Sáez), fend off the undead whilst trying to figure out a way to escape their predicament.

With a visual style very reminiscent of Peter Jackson’s early horror classics, this ultra-bloody slice of cartoon-style splat-stick starts off very promisingly, featuring plenty of silly laughs and loads of cheap ‘n’ cheerful make-up and gore. Unfortunately, it soon becomes evident that silly laughs and loads of cheap ‘n’ cheerful make-up and gore is all the film does have to offer, and proceedings eventually become rather tiresome. There is zero plot development and the directors (stars Parés and Sáez) obviously don’t know when to call it a day (even after the end credits have started rolling, they feel the need to throw in an unnecessary epilogue).

Still, if you don’t mind the repetitiveness of the action (fight scene, followed by silly zombies, followed by fight scene, followed by silly zombies, followed by fight scene), there are definitely enough good moments to make staying for the duration worthwhile: an early three stooges style gag with a severed arm; a revolting bit in which a zombie clutches his lower bowel and releases a stream of feces into the hero’s face; a kung fu fight using a torn, bloody appendage as a weapon; a climactic battle which includes some terrific and very inventive effects; and an enjoyably daft musical interlude (featuring the catchy John West theme tune).

If only the makers had added a bit more meat to the story, and shaved a little bit off the running time, then this one would’ve got a 7 out of 10 from me. As it stands, it gets a 6. ~ IMDB




Plaga Zombie – Zona Mutante (2001) Fixed AR