meat-2 Meat Market 2 (Uncut)

Year: 2001

Duration: 80 min

Directed by: Brian Clement

Actors: Bettina May, Alison Therriault, Stephan Eng

Language: English

Country: Canada | USA

Also known as: 

Description: Brian Clement’s sequel to Meat Market isn’t nearly as much fun as his second sequel, Meat Market 3. It does follow the same characters from part 1, unlike Part 3 which was made several years later and has no direct link to Parts 1 and 2. This is also the Uncut version of the movie, which was on the same DVD9 as Meat Market. They are both excellent VHS transfers to DVD and officially released as one double feature.

This time around the survivors from Part 1 come across a cult that has managed to stay alive throughout the Zombie Apocalypse. The usual things that happen during a zombie flick occur, with the exception of having a vampire thrown in the mix, which is a plot twist unique to this series. Still, not enough gore or nudity to remain interesting. The acting is blech! But credit is due to the writer/director who actually got better after these independently financed, micro-budgeted early works. No small feat in this genre. The third Meat Market is better than Parts 1 and 2 put together, albeit with far less nudity! I’m still looking for his ‘Dark Paradox (2007),’ which seems to have been lost on the island of forgotten movies…



 Meat Market 2 (2001) Uncut