12 Votes

Meat_Market_2000 Meat Market

Year: 2000

Duration: 01:30:50

Directed by: Brian Clement

Actors: Bettina May, Paul Pedrosa and Teresa Simon

Language: English

Country: Canada | USA

Also known as: 

Description: Contains Cannibalism,Graphic Gore,Male/Female Nudity,Male/Female Sex, Lesbian Sex,Frequant Foul Language and Graphic decapitations of Decomposing Corpses -Fun For All The Family!

The second part can be found here Meat Market 2

As a result of some questionable medical experiments, one of the city was overwhelmed by a zombie epidemic. Among the armed survivors with former employees of the company – Argenta and Sharoh who had found refuge in an army bunker. During the next foray into the city couple meets three suspicious girls who seems to be vampires and offer people to join forces to combat a common threat.



Meat Market 2000