Story_of_Women_a.k.a_Une_affaire_de_femmes Story of Women

Year: 1988

Duration: 01:43:31

Directed by: Claude Chabrol

Actors: Isabelle Huppert, François Cluzet, Nils Tavernier, Marie Trintignant, Lolita Chammah

Language: French

Country: France

Also known as: Une affaire de femmes, Asunto de mujeres, Eine Frauensache, Sprawa kobiet, Un asunto de mujeres

Description: France, the Second World War. To somehow stay alive, the mother of two children Marie Latour makes illegal abortions and rents a room to a familiar prostitute. On returning from the war wounded husband, she does not pay any attention, and lives her own life. Abortion is gradually beginning to bear a good income, and boredom can easily dispel having got the young lover …

Review: A simple story with a logical end, no surprises, and surprises. It’s about the movie Marie, who lives in occupied Paris and survives that involved questionable business: making abortion and deliver room prostitute.

We understand that nothing good is all over can not.

The issue of abortion is always difficult, intractable and point it will never deliver. To some extent, the name of the film – a woman’s business – indicates, I think, to the position of the author (by the way, a representative of the “new wave”) can only be solved by the woman, to keep the child or not, but in any case not a society which is at the root of his hypocrisy, for turning a blind eye to a terrible crime.

Affects the ease with which to pass sentence of Mary Jeanne Bayonne, very well played Isabelle Huppert. Her feelings before his execution make for a moment stand still and see the reality of the situation, “live” biography, which, in fact, built a film.

Of course, in the actions of all these people is folly, and even the environment (occupation) can not serve as an excuse, because in these times, nothing has changed, but not executed, thank God, no one (although …).

Of course, as after any present work, there is a lot of questions to the characters. For example, why making these illegal operations, never Marie did not ask a question, and if it is good, and that I may be behind it, and what to do with her husband, the love of which it was possible for a long time to forget. Also, there are questions and to my husband, why do accusation, knowing that at least my wife threatens long concluded that the children will be without a mother and livelihoods (voiceover grown son Marie says one of the main promises the film – “Lord have mercy on all the children of convicts” ). Probably, it is the blind hatred, for which it is impossible to discern the consequences of their actions.

This is a difficult film Une affaire de femmes, the type of stuff that will ring a bell in my ear and remind that we should not over temptations of this world forget about the responsibility before God if, before the family whether the children know.



Story of Women a.k.a Une affaire de femmes