The_Inquisitor_(El_inquisidor) The Inquisitor (El inquisidor)

Year: 1975

Duration: 01:20:47

Directed by: Bernardo Arias

Actors: María Aurelia Bisutti, Duilio Marzio, Olga Zubarry, Elena Sedova

Language: Spanish

Country: Peru | Argentina

Also known as: El inquisidor de Lima, El fuego del pecado

Description: A doomed film, forbidden until 1984  by the censorship. When the police start finding the bodies of dead females – tortured and burnt – they realize there’s an ‘inquisition’ cult involved leveling it’s own perverse punishment against loose women; grim and rough sado fare from South America

Lima, Peru, the police is investigating a few mysterious murders of young women. What makes these murders interesting is the fact that the women are burned alive… At the same time a choffeur is killed with a old medieval weapon, a dagger with the shape of a cross. The inquisition is back.



The Inquisitor (El inquisidor)