Hunters-Crossing Hunter's Crossing

Year: 1983

Duration: 1:29:35

Directed by: Teddy Page

Actors: Bruce Baron, Don Gordon Bell, Jim Gaines, Ann Imilhench

Language: English

Country: Philippines

Also known as: Rescate en El Vietnam, Les massacreurs, Einsatzkommando Wildgänse.


hi guys a a rare film
hunters crossing
starring richard harrison and bruce baron
directed by teddy page
especially for sheba and roschi
Fellow fans of bad movies should certainly derive a few chuckles from this Silver Star productions release.

The story concerns a group of mercenaries who are deployed to rescue some hostages held somewhere in the Philipines….or is it Vietnam?

A heady combination of poor dubbing and decidedly odd structuring make this a highly enjoyable affair from the out. Take for instance the bizarre sub plots that suddenly (and bafflingly!)crop up out of absolutely no where in the middle of the films running time(!); After having undergone a rigorous training regime to prepare for their impending dangerous mission one of our hero’s (B-movie regular Bruce Baron) completely out of the blue and without any form of rational explanation decides to serve as a getaway driver for some bank robbers(!!!) Er?! What the hell?! Such a bizarre (and frankly irrelevant) plot development had me initially believing the scene was some sort of flashback or something! But, it gets even worse when another one of our boys (James Gaines aka Jim Gaines) is shown walking in on his wife having nookie with her lover and promptly blows the offending chap dead! Erm….OK…..I can only assume that the above sub stories (which incidentally end just as abruptly as they began!) were solely included in order to bump up the movies running time. Certainly they are absolutely redundant in forwarding the story in any way, shape or form. Still, for what it’s worth, as I said earlier, they do add a certain strange charm to the proceedings in their quirkiness and sheer irrelevance to the story.

Add to this charm the somewhat daft forms of transport our hero’s employ when they eventually get around to rescuing the hostages. We have a bullet proof trike and a souped up automobile!!! Yes, I kid you not! I’ve got to say though, although this may sound an odd choice of rescue vehicles, they sure come well armed – fully loaded with missiles in fact!

Credit where credits due, the scenes in which our hero’s fire the aforementioned missiles at the bandits are undoubtedly the best in the entire movie and are actually, believe it or not, really quite cool! (And probably took most of the movies budget to render!)

This is one of those movies that goes down perfectly when one invites over some friends and imbibes copious amounts of alcohol…..great stuff!



Hunter’s Crossing 1983