Mosquito_the_Rapist Mosquito the Rapist

Year: 1977

Duration: 01:27:05

Directed by: Marijan David Vajda 

Actors: Werner Pochath, Ellen Umlauf, Birgit Zamulo and Gerhard Ruhnke

Language: English | German (Dual Audio)

Country: Switzerland

Also known as: Mosquito der Schänder, Blood Lust, Bloodlust, Bloodlust: The Black Forest Vampire, Bloodlust: The Vampire of Nuremberg

Description: Hello Horror fans and fans of the bizarre. Today i bring you the the obscure movie from swiss Mosquito the Rapist one of the bizarrest german spoken movies of the 70’s.

A deaf and dumb accountant suffers from a psychic trauma in his childhood. He is collecting puppets and mutilates female bodies in the mortuary. After his secret love died by an accident he starts to kill. Based on the true life story of Kuno Hoffman, “the vampire of Nuremberg.”  

Small review: Disturbing, but in many ways not very good little horror film that is more than likely going to curl your toes. As with many of these films its the acts that disturb but not the whole package, since our “hero” is too crazy and too much of a milk toast to amount to much. And give it points for a non sensational, realistic ending.



Mosquito the Rapist 1977