The Lion Has Seven Heads movieThe Lion Has Seven Heads movie

Year: 1970

Duration: 01:39:00

Directed by: Glauber Rocha

Actors: Rada Rassimov, Giulio Brogi, Gabriele Tinti

Language:  Portuguese (English Subs)

Country:  Brazil | Italy | France

Also known as: O Leão de Sete Cabeças, El león de siete cabezas, The Lion Has Seven Heads

Description: It is an overall story of the Euro-American colonialism in Africa, an African epic, concerned with thinking from the point of view of the man of the Third World, in opposition to the commercial American movies which show safaris and to the white’s conception in relation to that continent. It is a theory about the possibility of a political cinema. I chose Africa because it seems to me a continent with problems similar to the Brazilian ones.  – Glauber Rocha

“Der Leone Have Sept Cabeças is an Italian-French co-production, filmed in Africa. Glauber says that it intends to be an “elaborated denunciation of the colonialism and of the underdevelopment”. It presents a red Europe and an American secret agent, also red, enslaved to each other in a tropical country. The colonialists keep the blacks as slaves. In this world, also dwell a Portuguese priest and a German mercenary.
A revolution is stifled in a bloody way and the reds decide, with their friends, to empower a representative of the African bourgeoisie. Thus, they elect Mr. Xobu president of the country. But an African rebel and a Latin-American guerilla organize a new revolution. The whites, probably defeated, are taken to the scaffold while, from the jungle, symbolic lines of blacks sing: oh africa, oh africa”



Der Leone Have Sept Cabeças

