Atolladero_1995 Atolladero

Year: 1995

Duration: 01:38:30

Directed by: Óscar Aibar

Actors: Pere Ponce, Joaquín Hinojosa, Iggy Pop, Félix Rotaeta

Language: Spanish (English subs)

Country: Spain

Also known as:

Description of Atolladero movie: Western genre with all its attributes like cowboys, mustangs , prairie , Colt , Winchester, vast expanses of wild Indians inevitably associated with the spirit of freedom, independence , pioneering , etc., etc. There, ” at will, in the Pampas ” dreamed about running away millions of boys , after reading James Fenimore Cooper, Mayne Reid and Karl May ( where without this German ) the century before last . And so with the advent of cinema percentage charmed strong -willed men to solve all problems through fair duels , winning bundles villains and dashing tipping whiskey in saloons maxed out all possible limits . Gradually , however , the charm of the past, but today no-no , and the golden age of westerns in the movie, which came on the 50th – 70th of the last century is remembered with a touch of nostalgia … That’s just not all .

Oscar Catalan Aybar in his debut film happily walked heavy boots on the American idea, the American understanding of freedom and national American genre of art, not leaving them no stone unturned , caustically mocking , scatter my poisonous saliva and ridiculing everything on the other side of the ocean has long been considered a sacred cow . His attention was not lost none characteristic feature westerns , no stamp , no dash – all that you can and can not be dissected, and turned inside the meat up, raped and perverse amusement of the audience brought on like freaks in alcohol in a glass jar , on which see disgusting – and look not take . Society of equal opportunities , self- democratic institutions , individualism – and , in the final sense of itself in the American dream ” Atolladero ” subjected to relentless obstruction and thrown in the trash along with the western genre as such, recognized Senor Aybar absolutely meaningless phenomenon, not even intended to parody ( parody what they love ), and for the disposal of garbage on the world cinema .

In order to demonstrate as clearly as possible the result of executing the proverbial “American Dream” , the Catalan villages in cinematic time machine and went into the near future . In 2048 . Since that time, the planet does not happen any major disasters , there was no global wars and upheavals – except that several satellites descended from orbit , but most of mankind moved in megacities. Those that remained in the country continue to live as well as their ancestors lived fifty , one hundred , two hundred years ago. In an abandoned town in the deserts of Texas Atolladero all power belongs to the judge , who at 150 years old little out of his mind . The executors of his will serve half-mad Madden ( in his role starred star of pop -punk , Iggy Pop ) and Sheriff Nick. The first keeps at bay the entire population , the second tries to maintain a semblance of legitimacy among cowboys and prostitutes using young cop Lenny . However, the judicial murder here is simple and straightforward – a bullet in the head and all there is to it . With the bandits and thieves , as well as with strangers preachers in Atolladero not stand on ceremony .

Once Lenny decides to go into the big world , and immediately turns into a stranger , whom the hunt begins . One against all , and only a true Colt ( with laser sight ) – the only ally. Here it is – the quintessential westerns : wild expanses fallen from gang coils , and a lone hero . Only no gang – just ordinary people living under the laws of the Wild West of the last century , will inevitably turn into bandits. And no noble hero . Coward man suffering from epilepsy , gets out of the numerous troubles due to better fortune , while his pursuers let each other intestine alone, in full with the associative perverse sense of humor director. Good Cowboy – Cowboy dead , good sheriff – dead sheriff, a good Indian – Indian living … In contrast to the pale , that of the living dead are transformed into different ways hitrovymuchennymi dead Indians in Aybar alive . In the end – here was their land , and the descendants of the colonizers is nothing on this earth to be proud of . And especially westerns shoot .

” Atolladero ” deromantiziruet not just the Wild West, he expressly states that more ugly and disgusting society that emerged in those places it was impossible to build . What westerns romanticize absolute freedom and individualism – the essence of lies and deceit that any dream , even the U.S. , inevitably broken on the dirty reality. However, does anyone else see this genre as a beautiful fairy tale ? Or saw him as a guide to action ? And was there any sense so cruelly mock virtual reality ? Film Oscar Aybar full of sarcasm and evil smile … As far as they are valid and it really deserved their Western – let everyone decide for himself . Probably because of its relationship to the United States as such. Catalan clearly this country and its culture for something strongly disliked .



Atolladero 1995

Atolladero 1995 (English subs)