5 Votes

syndicate-sadists-poster2 Syndicate Sadists

Year: 1975

Duration: 90 min.

Directed by: Umberto Lenzi

Actors:  Tomas Milian, Joseph Cotten, Maria Fiore

Language: Italian | English Dub

Country: Italy

Also known as: Der Vernichter, Rambo’s Revenge, Il giustiziere sfida la città

Description: An entertaining “poliziotteschi” from Umberto Lenzi featuring Thomas Milian as ‘Rambo,’ a badass biker and reformed gangster, who seeks revenge after his friend is killed while investigating a kidnapping. Featuring extended car/motorcycle chases and shoot-outs, a very funky score by Franco Micalizzi, and good performances. The movie poster is somewhat misleading, however, since the blowtorch guy never shows up; perhaps he was busy at ‘Zero Woman Red Handcuff’! Not quite as inspired as Lenzi/Milian’s previous collaboration,  ‘Almost Human,’ found here, its re-watchable nonetheless.



 Syndicate Sadists (1975)