Beat Beat

Year: 2000

Duration: 01:20:13

Directed by: Gary Walkow

Actors: Courtney Love, Kiefer Sutherland, Lisa Sheridan

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Beat – pahan syke, Ритм

Description:America 40-ies. Society lives according to the laws of war, but they do not relate to handful men, eternally drunk lovers of life, those who writes abstract poems and who were thinking about death.

Nobody yet knows that no one known William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac and Lucien Carr will soon become the ambassadors of the legendary era beat that turn the world upside down in its philosophy of intellectual rebels.

Review: The film does not represent a single whole, as well as abrupt, abstract dialogues. To cast Gary Rolls, Director, came more creative and scored a great team for the film, full of drugs and alcohol: Kiefer Sutherland, Norman Ridus, Ron Livingston, and, of course, Courtney Love. Their main task was to show the story about the main «beatniks» 50s, so vividly, how was their very survival. Rather, they have coped, and bright red lips Courtney and incredibly sexy thrust Ridus added contrast.

Once again, the people who originally want to watch a film about the beats how about the movement (like Russian «Dudes») will be slightly disappointed. And for those who’s gonna show this picture without any initial information, I recommend to get in the «Wikipedia» (suddenly, the prevalence of same-sex love in the movies you deliberately frightening.

The film “Beat” rather motivated to seek information on the beats, read works by William barrow, Alena Ginsberg and other representatives of this movement than to write extra positive response.

I wish You a pleasant beat the evening. And not much hope for a successful end, if the beginning of the movie, You will not like. The miracle will not happen.



Beat 2000