Hercules_and_the_Lost_Kingdom Hercules and the Lost Kingdom

Year: 1994

Duration: 01:30:06

Directed by: Harley Cokeliss

Actors: Kevin Sorbo, Anthony Quinn and Renée O’Connor

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as:  Hércules e o Reino Perdido, Hércules em Busca do Reino Perdido, Hércules y el reino perdido, Hercule et le royaume oublié, Hercules e il regno perduto, Hercules ja kadonnut kuningaskunta, Hercules und das vergessene Königreich, Herkules és az elveszett királyság, O Iraklis kai to hameno vasileio

Description: Hercules is provoked till he has no other choice then fight Gargan, a giant who had absolutely no quarrel with him- and decks the mountain of aggression easily. Then the last survivor of a group of messengers, killed off one by one by Hera, dies after imploring him to come end her rule of terror in the ‘lost city of Troy’, which his father Zeus, who is once more unwilling to extend any more tangible help, discloses can only be found with the ‘one true compass’ last seen in the possession of queen Omphale. On his searching for her he frees -then against her will- Deianeira, the eager victim about to be sacrificed to the river god as virgin in the prime of her fertility to end a drought. He battles passed the 48 sons of the gate guardian and arranges to be sold at the annual slave market to the queen, who only wants him in her bed. After dealing with some protection racketeers and the devoted…



Hercules and the Lost Kingdowm 1994