A Murderous AffairA-Murderous-Affair A Murderous Affair

Year: 1992

Duration: 1:29:28

Directed by: Martin Davidson

Actors: Virginia Madsen, Chris Sarandon, Ned Eisenberg

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: A Murderous Affair: The Carolyn Warmus Story; Relation dangereuse; La dernière nuit; Schrei nach Liebe, Amante Mortal, Un asunto criminal. La historia de Carolyn Warmus; Vaarallinen rakastajatar; Relazione mortale


This TV movie, starring Virginia Madsen and Chris Sarandon, is superior to the other, which isn’t saying too awfully much. The cast is definitely better. Though I am a fan of Joe Penny’s, I never considered Robertson much of an actress; however, in recent years, now that she is more in the leading lady stage of her career, she is much better. Both films portray Carolyn as a man magnet with a great body and loads of sex appeal. In both versions, much is made of her grand, electric entrance into the courtroom on the first day of her trial. This film has one thing the other lacked – the real-life character of Vincent Parco, the detective who sold Carolyn the murder weapon (with a silencer). For an important figure in the case, it’s strange that he isn’t a character in the Robertson-Penny movie. I actually have spoken with Vincent Parco, so I admit to finding this version more interesting.

Without going into enormous detail, Warmus is the woman suspected of killing her boyfriend’s wife, Betty Jean Solomon. At first, her boyfriend is the chief suspect. Eventually the focus falls on Carolyn.

I thought Madsen was great showing how unstable and obsessive Carolyn was, trashing a room and stalking Carlin and his wife in Puerto Rico (in flashback). Chris Sarandon, as Michael Carlin, the guilt-ridden, overwrought, cheating husband, is very good.

Peter Haskell, another favorite of mine, plays Carolyn’s father in flashback. He’s uncredited. Ned Eisenberg, another favorite and a good actor is the detective assigned to the case.

So for me, the dice are loaded in favor of this version. Both are routine, and as we know, the beautiful and talented Madsen has gone on to much better.



A Murderous Affair 1992