Gold-for-the-Caesars Gold for the Caesars

Year: 1963

Duration: 01:25:30

Directed by: Sabatino Ciuffini, Riccardo Freda

Actors: Jeffrey Hunter, Mylène Demongeot, Ron Randell

Language: Italian, English

Country: Italy, France

Also known as: Oro per i Cesari, De l’or pour César, Das Gold der Cäsaren

Description: Sabatino Ciuffini , Ricardo Freda, and the cinematographer Raffaele Masciocchi do a great job in putting this movie together, making a fairly standard plot into something a little more interesting. It has a cool sense of perspective, with lines placed at oblique angles, the action staged in three or four angles, and he takes full advantage of scenery and shadows. It also has a more organic feel in the exterior shots than I usually associate with peplum.

The score is an interesting clash of styles. It pretty standard “epic-movie music” except during action sequences at the beginning and end of the film. Then it is a choppy trumpet and piano theme that seems more similar to the scores that Morricone was starting to write.

Review: Pretty unusual film that illustrates what happens when a Western plot to clothe classical antiquity in colorful costumes.
By order of the Roman governor slave architect equips an expedition to find a legendary Gaul gold deposit, so necessary to Rome. The expedition is threatened by Celtic tribes. But the film is not only and not so much about gold and wars. There is in it a place of love and jealousy, loyalty and betrayal …
In the picture involving famous artists Massimo Girotti and Mylene Demongeot.



Gold for the Caesars (1963)