3 Votes

 L'étrange château du docteur LerneDoctor-Lerne-Sub-god L'étrange château du docteur Lerne

Year: 1983

Duration: 01:38:18

Directed by: Jean-Daniel Verhaeghe

Actors: Jacques Dufilho, Pierre Clémenti, Dora Doll, Jean Paul Roussillon

Language: French

Country: France

Also known as: 


Dedicated to H.-G. Wells, Maurice Renard’s Doctor Lerne (1908) features a mad scientist who performs organ transplants not only between men and animals, but also with plants, and even machines.

DOCTOR LERNE, SUB-GOD, a first-rate chunk of speculative delirium that takes the raw materials of H.G. Wells’ ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU and spins an altogether unique and bizarre account that anticipates the work of David Cronenberg.

Nicolas Vermont, who’s been summoned to visit his uncle Lerne, a renowned surgeon living in a secluded forest compound investigates the place, and stumbles upon unsavory genetic experiments carried out by his uncle that involve plants and animals grafted together.

Before long Nicolas receives first-hand knowledge of his uncle’s …



L’étrange château du docteur Lerne 1983