Amy movie
Amy movie Run time: 1h 34min
Amy movie Rating: 2.0
Amy movie Genres: Horror
Amy movie Director: Patnaik R.P.

Amy movie Writers: Febah Martin, Patnaik R.P., TP Entertainment

Amy movie Stars: Christopher Atkins, David Blount, David R. Clayton

Amy movie Year: 2013
Amy movie Source: Amy movie

Amy has the power of clairvoyance which makes her a witness to haunting visions of her Amish village taken over by demons.

Only Christopher, a funeral director, accepts Amy’s power and uses it to find the person who embodies the leading demon.


There will be a fight for Amy’s soul in order to save the village, but will the people around her accept that she needs as exorcism?

Country: USA
Language: English
Also know as: Amie,

