Violent-Shit Violent Shit

Year: 1989

Duration: 01:12:10

Directed by: Andreas Schnaas

Actors:Andreas Schnaas, Gabi Bazner, Wolfgang Hinz

Language:  German

Country:West Germany

Also known as:Maniac 2001: Violent Shit, Violent Sh*t

Description of Violent Shit movie: If it had not been indifferent to the trash , he would never look for this movie to watch. With creative director Andreas Shnaasa I’m not familiar , not seen before any of his films . And I still do not understand what’s so interesting to me in this movie, I still got to him , and looked, albeit without a translation into Russian . But I think that this picture is not much knowledge of the language you need , just look , and can be very easy to guess what is happening and why. The fact is that for years his ” Outrage ” is shot well enough, and special effects that are here in the killings , carried out normally. But on the other hand , I wondered , and what made ​​this movie ? Probably , while such pictures were few and Shnaas decided to take part in the overall contribution of directors to create thrash pictures. Most interesting is that the film , although simple , looks quite interesting. Although all it easy and nothing new.

In the story , the protagonist , crazy man named Carl , who, incidentally , played by Andreas Shnaas , escapes from the machine on which it was being taken to a mental hospital . And all because the people who should lead it overlooked him , and as a result were themselves dead at the hands of a madman . But this did not stop the fury of Charles , and vice versa – has become off-scale . He starts to run through the woods, simultaneously killing all people who meet . Here I set out another issue : whether Carl wants to escape away from here, or on the contrary runs through the district to face a greater number of people and deal with them ? Anyway, the hero has to wait sometimes more opportune moment that the victim did not oppose him . Generally , more adventures await you in the forest killer Charles . What’s next – learn yourself.

The film itself has turned mediocre , because it all just first , second no special effort creators, except special effects. Well, it could be much worse . More in the film is very well done music , composer Miki Angels tried to glory . It is particularly pertinent at the time of when Carl attacks its next victim . Acting is nothing memorable , and as many here were short , Andreas Shnaas his role does not count as his character flashes on the screen almost the entire movie . I note that the creators have chosen quite a good place for filming , since wood does look a little intimidating. Finally I will say that this movie is average, his fans can see trash . Nothing particularly new , he can not make you happy , make their own choice though . In the forest really work a complete mess !



Violent Shit