l_471032_5658a48a Sea of Dust (2008)imdb-link Sea of Dust (2008)

Year: 2008

Duration: 1hr 30min

Directed by: Scott Bunt

Actors: Tom Savini, Ingrid Pitt, Troy Holland

Language: AC3 5.1 Surround English & Director Commentary Track

Country: USA

 imdb-link Sea of Dust (2008) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0471032/

Description: Beyond the Black Forest, in the fairytale village of Heidelberg, an unspeakable evil has taken root. One by one, Heidelberg’s citizens have fallen into trances, awakening under the control of a dark master, the mythical Christian king Prester John. “(SEA is) a twisted, yet wonderful blend of Hammer style horror and 80’s style gore, with a wry twist of dark comedy and camp.”

Opinion: I liked parts of this: the last third, which is more violent and disturbing than one might expect from the opening, was interesting with a good amount of torture and gore. For a horror movie with Tom Savini, though, it could have been so much better and gorier than what we get. Fan review was harsher than it deserved, I thought… IMDB: “The acting is so awful that there are scenes littered with corpses and they can’t even act dead convincingly.” Unbelievably, the director’s commentary track is more interesting than it has any right to be. I’d occasionally switch to it out of boredom, and I’d become transfixed by the seriousness of the director’s behind the scenes description.  Recommended if you become paralyzed and bed-ridden!


Sea-of-Dust-2008.mkv-300x266 Sea of Dust (2008)


Sea of Dust