Akumu-tantei Nightmare Detective

Year: 2006

Duration: 01:46:12

Directed by: Shin’ya Tsukamoto

Actors: Ryûhei Matsuda, Hitomi, Masanobu Andô

Language: Japanese (English Subtitles)

Country: Japan

Also known as: Akumu tantei | Vysetrování nocních mur | Luupainajate detektiiv | Entre los sueños y la muerte | Teleftaia klisi | Rémálmok nyomozója

Description: The film ” Nightmare Detective ” Shinya Tsukamoto can not be attributed to a number of typical Japanese horror , it’s more underground , philosophical parable about death and pain , filmed in the style of the dogma of Lars Von Trier .

The film from the creator of the cult tehnohorrora ” Tetsuo ” was saturated dark colors and heavy symbolism that refers to both the European culture (especially to Nietzsche , Carl Jung and Freud bit ) and to especially Japan , where suicide motives are not perceived as sinful or unnatural ( think about suicide , and the tradition of hara-kiri to say no ) . Given that the director and acted as the operator of the picture , the tape will certainly appreciate the fans unformatted movie as filmed really outside the box, outside of any kinotraditsy .

The plot in the film is developing very slowly , alternating hallucinogenic , insane and bloody dreams of the protagonists. Follow its development is extremely interesting.

Wonderful acting complement the overall positive picture , with a small presence of bloody scenes did not make a picture in a meaningless bloody mess .

So, if you are looking for an original and strange movie, ” Nightmare Detective ” You’ll love it . However, it is better to watch this film in a very good mood, and people who are prone to constant depression , do not look .



Nightmare Detective 2006 AKA Akumu tantei

Nightmare Detective 2006 (English Subtitles)