5 Votes

Beware_2010 Beware

Year: 2010

Duration: 01:35:13

Directed by:  Jason Daly

Actors:  Adam Leadbeater, Lorena King and Cecilia Huete

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Beware

Description: The town of Shady Grove keeps a lot of terrible secrets. Among them – the tale of Shane, the boy tortured to death in indigenous forests. Tale could well remain as a legend, if not unlucky five teenagers who went for a walk in the woods …

Review: “Beware” – simple, but really with a terrible history – horror. Without mysticism and fanatical fiction that makes this film closer to realistic. And, in general, everything that happened on the screen really close to reality. The plot evolves around guys who on their (so to speak) skin feel all the charm of a local legend about a boy Shane. In this case, a turn of events is by no means trivial and simple. Local legend, embodied in reality, has a beginning and an end, which is also very good – no stretching and stupid moment.



Beware 2010